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搜索條件:書名\副題\關鍵字(Theses and Dissertations),共找到19條結果
The motivation factors of police officers engage in lifelong learning (Dissertation / Thesis)
副標題 :
作者 : Chan, Sung Leuk
分類 : Crime & Investigation
索書號 : 2017
關鍵字 : Theses and Dissertations
An exploration of motivating factors for job satisfaction in Hong Kong police officers ( Dissertation / Thesis )
作者 : Lai, Ching Keung Tony
Healthy lifestyle and police work performance : a case study on the Hong Kong police ( Dissertation / Thesis )
作者 : Lau, Chun Leung
An investigation of police integrity among disciplinary officers in Hong Kong is very important to Hong Kong Police Force ( Dissertati
作者 : Yeung, Ngan Yuk
Is training of the front-line investigation officers of the Hong Kong Police Force adequate to combat cyber-crime ? ( Dissertation / Th
作者 : Chan, Kin on
The effectiveness of the right to remain silent : a study of the Hong Kong police ( Dissertation / Thesis )
作者 : Yau, Po Wa
Factors influencing public satisfaction with police : an empirical study of participants of occupy Central Movement in Hong Kong ( Diss
作者 : Lee, Pui Leung
Examine the factors affecting the sense of belonging of police officers employed before and after June 2000 ( Dissertation / Thesis )
作者 : Sum, Yim Ling Noel
Profiling police investigative thinking styles: a study of police detectives thinking styles in 3 districts in Hong Kong ( Dissertation
作者 : Wong Wai Ho
Review of threat of cybercrime in Hong Kong and how it can be better tackled (Dissertation / Thesis)
作者 : Chan, Kwong Hau, Howard
索書號 : 2019
Hong Kong police: motivations of higher education (Dissertation / Thesis)
作者 : Shu, Chin Pang,
索書號 : 2021
Officers of the police tactical unit and the needs for the development of stress management ( Dissertation / Thesis )
作者 : Lam, Kam Hing, Sidney
關鍵字 : Theses and Dissertations >
The dark side of police work: a case study of police trauma, post traumatic stress disorder and post traumatic growth ( Dissertation /
作者 : Sin, Ka Keung Wilson
索書號 : 2018
An assessment ot the awareness of anti-money laundry controls among money exchange shops in Hong Kong (Dissertation / Thesis)
作者 : Leung, Kam Fai
The investigation into the fear of crime : is there a link between Yuen Long High School students' fear of crime and the likelihood of vi
作者 : Chiu, Chi Wai
The infiltration of triad language into the daily life of Hong Kong people ( Dissertation / Thesis )
作者 : Wong, Ping Hung
The relationships among stress derived from public-police conflict, perceived job image, job satisfaction, organization commitment, burno
作者 : Chan, Yee Ling Martee
To explore the relationship between the police and the public and the relationship of Hong Kong government governance in recent 5 years'
作者 : Chan, Mei Lin May
A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago Style for students and researchers(ebook)
作者 : Turabian, Kate L.
分類 : Business
索書號 : 2013
關鍵字 : Academic writing -- Handbook > Manuals > et. > Dissertations > Academic -- Hanbooks > Man